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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
天津新华中学 崔冕:Here stands a girl...

  Here stands a girl. She is outgoing, easy to get alonewith and willing to hug the world. She is always readyto smile and say hi to everyone she meets on the long long way. She is happy to be part of the vivid world andbecome a vivid scape.

  Here stands a girl. She finds herself is gone when the music she loves is playing on the radio. She could spend8 hours a day playing the piano when she was 5 years oldShe keeps reading a book every 3 months then get to know more about the wonderful world.

  Here stands a girl. She crossed the ocean to reach a place where maple trees are growing. She made scores of friends there and they had great fun together. She called her journey to Canada "BMW", which is short for thebeginning of my way.

  And,This girl believes in dreams, so she works hard to make herdreams come true.This girl belongs to me, because she is me. And this is me, standing right in front of you.

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