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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
吉林大学附属小学 金丁:Once upon a time...

  This is me

  Once upon a time lived a girl, her friends called her Snow White because of her white skin, red lips and black hair which looked just like the fairy tale character. She thought of herself as loud, wild and active whereas other people thought of her as quiet, graceful and charming. Her parents said she watched too much TV, and they were quite right. When there was a football match on, don't even think about getting your hands on the remote control. Her cousin said she was too noisy, it was true, she was known for screaming at the TV during football matches. Her teacher said she was too careless. Don't laugh, but she wrote eighteen times by zero was eighteen in a test once! Her friends said she was too bossy, she couldn't help sometimes telling people what to do. She wasn't perfect but she was good at many things too such as English and music. She's unique, she is me - Sarah Jin.

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