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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
江苏南京市渊声巷小学 王简妮:I'm a fifth grade student...

  My name is Jenny Wang. I'm ten. And I'm a fifth grade student from Nanjing. I am so lucky that I could have this chance to come to Beijing for the competition. My teachers said that I am a little bit gentle, but I don't think so. I think I'm open-minded, and outgoing. I like English very much since I like to communicate with the others. I like playing the piano. Last year, I took part in an international piano competition in USA, and I got the second prize. I also like playing computer games, and I'm good at it, but my Mom sometimes doesn't allow me to turn on the computer. To tell you the truth, I still like to go to KFC to eat chicken wings. My favorite sport was baseball before, but after FIFA, World Cup, my favorite sport is changed into football now.This is me。Thank you!

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