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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
山东青岛市德县路小学 杨金:I'm 11 years old...

  This is me

  Hello everyone. My name is Yangjin, and my English name is Thomas. I'm 11 years old. I'm studying in Qingdao Dexian Road Primary School.

  When I was five years old, I began to learn English From Uncle Paul; Uncle Paul comes from London England. I've been learning English for six years.

  Last year, I was the English host for the Qingdao Children's day Celebration. This year, I won two first place awards in Qingdao Oral English Competition and English Interpretation Competition. Last month, I gained first place in the new star of outlook English talent competition in Shandong Province.

  My hobby is playing football.

  My ambition is to be the General Secretary of the United Nations, because historically, no Chinese has had this honor. I want to gain honor for our country, look after the welfare of people all over the world and fill the world with peace and happiness.

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