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武汉大学附小 谭亥力:I like to be independent...

  This is Me

  Hello! My name is Tan Hai Li. I'm a 6-grade student at the elementary school of Wuhan University. I think I am a little different than the other kids.

  I like to be independent. Now many kids often ask their parents for pin money. But I earn my pin money by myself. For example baby-sitting my sister on holidays, teaching her homework, and getting the newspaper from the mailbox every day.

  I like to do things by myself. When holiday is coming, my friends and I like to send cards to each other. Instead of buying those expensive cards in the stores, I would rather make the cards by myself. Maybe the cards I made aren't that pretty as the ones in the stores. But I think they are much more precious.

  I am a good student in school and a good kid at home. I like music, art and to do handwork. I'm a very friendly and joyful girl. I want to be successful in my life. All I want to be is the best me that I can be.Thank you.

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