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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
河北沧州炼油厂子弟小学 王秋实:I'm a little bit special...


  Hello, everyone. My name is Wang Qiushi, which means that I'll enjoy the fruit of success after hard work. Actually I have enjoyed the happiness of success by my efforts because I always get the first one in many activities in my school.

  I think I'm a little bit special from others in that I like to do organizational jobs and I am well-organized myself. That's why my parents describe me as an efficiency expert. Then after I become a student in primary school, my teacher has the eye to find out the special talent of mine. She appoints me monitor of the class. And I organize the class quite efficiently. Therefore, it isn't very long before my organization talent is accepted by my classmates. To my delight, they, I mean my classmates, are willing to "obey" my orders and they consider me as the "No. 1 boss" in the class. So I'm very proud of this. And this is me, Wang Qiushi. Thank you!

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