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北京海淀区培星小学 吕雅卉:Twelve years ago...

  That's me

  Twelve years ago, a girl was born in Beijing. Her skin so fair and tender that she was nicknamed "little white Bread". The "little white Bread”has now grown up to a fifth grader. Of all the subjects she learns at school , English is her favorite. Dancing is one of the things she enjoys doing the most outside the classroom. She loves acting so much that she dreams of becoming a movie star or hosting one of her favorite TV programs. So far she has taken part in different contests of English and dance. Her excellent performance has won her lost of prizes.In the meantime, she likes to help others.Her smile warms people around her. That's why she has been chosen as vice president of Young Pioneers. You may wonder who this girl is. Now I can proudly tell you: That's me, Lu yahui.

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