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广东广州农林下路小学 钟婉婷:I'm a Grade Five student...

  This is Me

  Hi, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Zhong Wanting. I'm a Grade Five student at Nong Lin Xia Lu Primary School in Guangzhou. I have many friends. Also, I love helping students who have difficulties with their study or their life.

  I entered school at the age of five in 1997. From then on, I did my best to be an outstanding girl. I've won a number of prizes in such areas as math, art and writing. I'm a superb little reporter of Ling Nan Youngster's Newspaper and the Magazine Children. Until now I have published almost 30 articles.

  I've learned English for 3 years. Now my English is very excellent. I can write English stories and talk with others in English freely. I passed PETS-4 this March.

  This is me -- a cheerful, friendly and remarkable girl!

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