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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
安徽合肥市大通路小学 张越:I am a primary school student...

  ladies and gentleman, it is my great honesty to be here .my chinese name is zhang yue.I am ten .I am a primary school student who jumped grade from grade 3 to grade 5 and will soon jump to junior one. I am a sunshine girl who is happy and always likes smiling .I am good at english,violin,skating,computer,and german. all of this,I like english best.

  on english ,I have passed the public english test system(pets)band 2 and got the full number on the spoken english part of band 3.I also have taken part in pets band 4and cet band 4 english test.I have joined a competition which held in anhui and I got the first one on that competition.in this year , I join in national englishcompetition for primary school students and I got the first award so I will go to dalian this summer for another spoken english competition.this is me .thank you.

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