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新浪教育 < 英语频道 < “希望之星”英语风采大赛 < 正文
浙江杭州天长小学 胡玮:When i was three years old...

  My name is mike. i am a third-grade sudents.my classmate think i look like the boy in the movie "harry potter".

  When i was three years old, my parents brought me to america. my favorite thing is traveling. i have been in many place,like new york,washington d.c,san francisco,yellow stone,yosemite,and grand canyon national park.the great nature is beautiful.

  In my leisure time,i read many,many books,especially the book about the great nature,thr solar system,tornadoes,and avalanche. i also like music,drawing.skating. i got several awards such as outstanding reader and honorary piano player.

  Last year,i came bake to my home town-hangzhou.i want to be an angel to take care our enviroment,so that we can always see the blue sky with a few patches of white clouds.i love my hometown.

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