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2006-11-03 11:51:19 已经有 人做过此试卷

1. When they join the work force, their employers and associates alike will soon realize that the behavior of these rude young people is closer to ______ of animals than civilized individuals.
A. those      B. which      C. what     D. that
这是一个包含宾语从句的主从复合句,这个宾语从句的主语是behavior,后面的表语是对它的描述,这些粗鲁的年轻人行为与动物的行为进行比较。即行为与行为的比较,句中划线处指的是行为behavior, 以免与前面的behavior重复,在英语中用that指代前面已经出现的behavior的单数形式。如若前面出现某名词的复数形式,后面指代词通常用those。

2. Although there is no doubt that _____ people benefit from heart surgery, critics of our health-care systems point out that the emphasis on the surgical treatment of the disease has three clear disadvantages.
A. a great deal of     B. a great amount of    C. a great number of    D. the number of

3. If I ______ a little earlier, I would have caught the train.
A. left   B. would leave   C. leave   D. had left
这是一个基本的虚拟语气句型。在此句中是对过去的事实进行相反的假设,意思是:如果我早点出发的话,我就赶上火车了。事实上,他是出来晚了才没有赶上火车。那这种对过去的事实进行相反的假设,if 条件句应用过去完成时,即D选项 had left, 主句应是would/should

4. Rude people are those whose behavior shows little respect for the rules that the majority _____.
A. have     B. own     C. follow      D. like
这是一个包含定语从句的主从复合句,但是此句中考查的不是定语从句这个知识点,而是一个动词的习惯性用法。That引导的定语从句修饰rules,rules 在这个定语从句中充当宾语,而划线处应当填其相应的谓语动词。follow the rules 是习惯性用法,表示遵循这些原则、规章制度。

5. There is great pleasure in watching wildlife in natural or near-natural environments, and tourism can _____ the income of countries.
A. add to   B. take to    C. keep to     D. see to
这道题考查的词组的掌握。四个选项的词组意思是完全不一样的。这种情况下就看哪一个更符合该句的逻辑意思。显然应是旅游业能够增加国家的收入,增加应是add to。take to表示“开始, 喜欢, 沉溺于”, keep to 表示“遵循”, see to 表示“负责,注意”。

6. He helped me and I hope I can do something for him ______.
A. in turn   B. for return      C. by turn     D. in return
这句话的意思是“他帮助了我,我希望能够为他做些事情作为回报。”四个选项看起来比较相像,只有D选项表示“回报”的意思。In turn 是轮流的意思 或者by turns

7. We can come to the _____ that the more we practice, the more skillful we will be.
A. tradition     B. generation     C. conclusion     D. fact
像这类题考查的单词的掌握,四个词意思不一样,就看哪一个放在句中逻辑上、语法上是正确的。这儿come to the conclusion是一个固定词组,意指“得出结论”。

8. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find _____ difficult to succeed in language learning.
A. which       B. how        C. that        D. it
这个主从复合句中考查的是一个常用句型: find it difficult/easy/impossible to do sth 发现做某事难/容易/不可能的, it 此句中做形式宾语,指代后面的不定式。

9. Their mother is busy _____ ready for work.
A. got         B. gets         C. to get      D. getting
be busy doing sth 是一个固定句型,忙于做某事,所以划线处应是getting

10. Other people stop at each new word and look it  ____ in the dictionary.
A. up         B. down        C. back       D. over
这儿考查的look的几个固定词组的意思。look up “查询、尊敬” look down “俯视, 跌价, 用目光压倒” look back “回顾、追忆”  look over “调查,从上面看过去”

II. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each)
“Family” – the word had different meanings for different people, and even the dictionary gives us several definitions: “a group of people related __11__ blood or marriage,” “two adults and their children,” “all those people __12__ from a common ancestor,” “a household,” and so on. Some people think of a family __13__ a mother, a father, and their children; others include grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. For __14__ of us, family means the group of relatives __15 __ far away from home. For others, having a __16__ simply means having children. Some families have long histories, __17__ others know very little about their ancestors. No__18__ if it is young or old, large or small, traditional or modern, every family has a sense of what a family is. It is that feeling of __19__, of love and security __20__ comes from living together, helping and sharing.

11. A. to    B. for    C. after    D. by
12. A. derived    B. separated    C. distinguished     D. descended
13. A. by    B. as    C. from     D. for
14. A. some    B. other    C. most     D. one
15. A. live    B. living    C. lived     D. to live
16. A. parent    B. relative   C. family    D. house
17. A. while   B. why   C. where     D. which
18. A. problem    B. thing    C. matter    D. question
19. A. belong   B. belonging    C. belonged    D. having belonged
20. A. what    B. this    C. that    D. such
11. related 后常跟介词to 表示与…有关,但是在此句中是指通过…关联起来的意思,应用介词by
12. 这个选项主要考查大家词汇的掌握,四个选项是四个动词,但是意思完全不一样,这种情况下就看哪个动词在句中逻辑上比较通顺,根据前后文判断,应用D选项,表示遗传的意思。
13. 这是think of …as 的用法,是固定搭配。
14. 这是一个典型的根据前后文的意思来决定选项的题型,根据短文的大意,应是一部分人持这种观点,另一部分人持另一种观点。所以A选项更确切一些
15. 这是分词做定语修饰名词relatives, 这种表示逻辑上的主谓关系的情况下,用现在分词做定语。若是逻辑上的动宾关系的话,应用过去分词做定语。
16. 这个与14小题比较类似,都是根据短文主旨来确定的,这个短文是关于家庭这个概念的一个文章,所以这儿显然指的是家庭family
17. 这是一个while引导的并列句,通常while连接两个具有转折意义的并列句。
18. 这是考查固定词组no matter “无论”的意思,在此句中是无论家庭的大小
19. 这四个选项都是belong的不同形式,划线处前面有个介词of ,所以这儿应是一个名词性的词汇,动词belong变成动名词belonging。
20. 这是一个定语从句,先行词是前面的几个名词,表示物的情况下,应用关系代词that 或which。 所以只有C选项是正确的。

III. 将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空格
21. Curiously enough, sleepwalkers have an unusual way of _______ (avoid) their own traps when they sleepwalk.
首先avoid 是个动词,“避免”的意思。在此句中划线处前有个介词of 所以划线处应用动词avoid的动名词形式avoiding.

22. Experiments have to ________ (make) under carefully controlled conditions.
实验experiments是被人实施,即人们做实验,实验被做。所以划线处应是被动语态,而且划线处前有个have to ,to 后应跟动词原形,所以应填be made

23. You can build your vocabulary without ________ (use) a dictionary each time.
use a dictionary是个动词词组,但是跟在介词without 后,所以use动词应变为using 动名词的形式。

24. Successful language learners find it easy ________ (practice) using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.
这个一个典型的句型,find it easy to do sth, 发现做某某事情容易,此句型中it 是形式宾语,后面的不定式是真正的宾语,所以用to practice 填空。

25. How ______ (surprise) the people who thought tomatoes poisonous would be if they could know that millions of pounds of tomatoes were supplied to soldiers overseas during World War II.
surprise 的两个分词 surprising 和surprised 主要区别在于:surprising指令人惊讶的、惊奇的,通常逻辑主语是物。而surprised 指某人感到惊讶的,吃惊的,通常逻辑主语是人。而在此句中指人们多么的惊讶!是一个感叹句,描述人们的感受,应用过去分词surprised.

IV. C-E Translation(15 points, 3 points for each)

26.这是一个简单句,只要单词能拼写出来,组织句子的难度不是很大。造成损失应用cause damage 。 所以这个句子应翻译为:The earthquake has caused great damage to the region.
27.这里主要考查“毫无疑问” There is no doubt that ….  完整应翻译为:There is no doubt that fitness can help you enjoy your life.
28.这里包含一个重要词组:与其说是…,不如说是…。 Not so much … as …. He is not so much a writer as a scientist.
29.这是一个主从复合句,首先这句话中包括一个主语从句,同时还包括一个表语从句,主语从句:我们能肯定的是 all we can be certain of  表语从句: the meeting has been cancelled.  组合起来应是: All we can be certain of/about is that the meeting has been cancelled.
30.这也是一个主从复合句,首先有一个地点状语,没有空气的地方。组织起来应是:Where there is no air, there is no sound.
V. E-C Translation (15 points)
31. Organization also makes a difference in our ability to remember. How useful would a library be if the books were kept in random order? Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information. One example of organization is chunking. Chunking consists of grouping separate bits of information. For example, the number 4671363 is more easily remembered if it is chunked as 467,13,63. Categorizing is another means of organization. Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of words: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat chair. Many people will group the words into similar categories and remember them as follows: man, woman, child; cat, dog, horse; bench, chair, desk. Needless to say, the second list can be remembered more easily than the first one.
这是一篇130词左右的短文,几乎没有太偏的词汇。短文中包含了定语从句、if主从复合句。该短文从整体上看语句难度适中,没有过于复杂的复合句。其中也考查了一些固定词组 make a difference, consist of, 习惯用法:needless to say。翻译时要注意定语从句和宾语从句的翻译方法。考生在做英译汉时首先要理解原文,然后在理解原文的基础上正确地表达,译完后,对照原文校读一遍译文。另外建议考生在平时的学习中要加强翻译的练习。在这7个题型中,本题得分相对容易些。


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