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2007-03-27 11:43:22 已经有 人做过此试卷
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I.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)

1.It took a Iong time for her to ______ the fact that her husband was dismissed.
A.come up against B.come up to
C.come up with D.come to terms with

2.was it in that school ______ he developed his interest in physics?
A.which B.from which C.where D.that

3. ______ for your help,I would not have over come the psychological pressures and tensions.
A.Not been B.Without being
C.Had it not been D.Not having been

4. ______ nothing to say,the boy shied way from the crowd.
A.Have B.Having C.Had D.Having being

5.As activity carrided ______ as one thinks fit in one’s spare time,leisure has sereval functions.
A.on B.out C.off D.over

6.Why do you blame him for his poor judgment on the matter ______ he really needs is encouragement?
A.when that B.since that C.when what D.now that

7. The other timeing system belongs in our internal clocks,which,left ______ would tie the body to a 25-hour rythm.
A.behind B.alone C.out D.aside

8.It has been years ______ I returned home.
A.after B.that C.since D.when

9.We’ll keep you ______ any news.
A.up to date with B.in step with
C.in line with D.in terms of

10.I’d like to go to the cinema,but I’m ______ to.
A.enable B.disable C.unable D.able

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