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http://edu.sina.com.cn 2000/04/20  新浪文教


  The most beautiful things in this world cannot be s een or touched- they are felt by the human heart- Helen Keller


  Self-Confidence is to know your way around yourself so instinctively that you always have a strength to dra w on. Somewhere inside, from the stillness, you always find something that can meet you need

  所谓自信就是非常本能地感知到你周围的路,你总是能有足够的力量走上这些道路。在你内心中,从那静谧的深处, 你总是能找到一些适合你的需要的东西。

  Actions are destiny's pen. The line of actions draw n today becomes tomorrow's destiny, so be sure that you r pen is drawing a work of art.


  When one eye is fixed upon your destination, there is only one eye left with which to see the way there- M atthew Wallace

  当你的一只眼睛盯住命运的时候,那么只有一只眼能够剩下看你眼前的道路了。--马修·华莱士What lie s ahead of u and what lies behind u is nothing compared to what lies within you.-Mahatma Gandhi比起内心之所有,前方后方存在之物 均不值一提。--圣雄甘地Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's charecter, give him power- Abr aham Lincoln几乎每一个人都能在逆境中不倒下;如果要检验一个人性格的话,就给他权力。--艾伯拉罕·林 肯Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of yo ur choice命运不在于机会,而在于你自己的选择。

  When U are through changing, U are through- Bruce B arton


  In the constant confrontation between the rock and the water, the water wins finally, not by strength, but by perseverance


  I have great faith in fools- self confidence my fri ends call it- Edgar Allen Poe


  Preconcieved notions are the locks on the door to w isdom- Merry Browne


  Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence- Car l Sagan


  The secret to life is enjoying the passage of time- James Taylor


  Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven- Milton


  We all are worms, but i do belive I am a glowworm- Winston Churchill


  A pessimist sees the difficulty in every oppurtunit y; an optimist sees the oppurtunity in every difficulty - Winston Churchill


  No one feels another's grief, no one can understand another's joy. People imagine that they can reach one a nother. In reality, they only pass each other by.- Fran z Schubert

  没有人能感受到他人的烦恼,没有人能理解他人的欢乐。人们想像他们可以触及他人,但实际上,他们只是擦肩而过 --弗兰茨·舒伯特。

  Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not- Goerge Be rnard Shaw

  一些人看见存在事物的本来面目并发问为何如此,另一些人梦想到从未存在的事物并发问为何非此。--乔治·勃纳 德·肖

  Love is not just looking at each other, it's lookin g away in the same direction- Antonie de SaintExupery


  --Antonie de SaintExuperyBe the change you want to see in this world- Gandhi


  TThere is nothing permanent except change- Heraclit us


  In every real man a child is hidden that wants to p lay- Friedrich Nietzsche


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