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http://edu.sina.com.cn 2000/05/10  新浪文教




  Mothers are the people who yell after you waving th e things you've fogotten.母亲总是在你的身旁。

  Mothers are always on stand-by.感谢您总在身边,从不唠唠叨叨,不指手划脚 ,总是这样。

  Thank you for always being there.Not intrusively.No t demandingly.There.在你就要遇到伤害时能把真情告诉你的只有母亲。

  Mothers are the only people who tell you the truth when it's going to hurt.唯有母亲能使性格大相径庭的人在一个大家庭中和睦相处。

  Only a mother can make family out of an assortment of disparate individuals.母亲总能一眼看透你的伪装。

  Mothers know when you are faking.在我年幼胆怯之时,您总是点亮那盏灯, 让我看到自己房间里熟悉的一切__然后将灯关灭,您在黑暗中坐在我身边,直到我完全习惯常伴的身影。

  When I was very small and afraid,you used to put on the light and show me all the familiar objects in my ro om-then flick it off and sit with me in the darkness un til I was quiet certain the sharpes were constant.母亲有一种 神奇的胶水能把所有的碎片粘合在一起。

  A mother has the magic glue that sticks the broken pieces together.在无法忍受悲哀之际,往家打个电话吧。

  When it's sorrow beyond keeping,phone home.爱情令人心旌神摇 ,但有时人也需要一个静谧的厨房,一杯咖啡和自己的母亲。

  Love is exciting.But sometimes one needs a quiet ki tchen,a cup of coffeeand one's mother.母亲能在电话里擦干你的眼泪。

  Mother can dry your tears down a telephone.我为您做的一切而 骄傲。




  I am proud of what you do.I love you for what you a re.Who wants.A Totally Domesticated Mother?This way iss o much more exciting!岁月已将我们改变__但却让我们靠得更近。


  The years have changed us- but brought us closer.Mo ther and child- friends for life.母爱不像轻柔的羽毛,倒更象有弹性的钢材。

  Mother love is more like tensile steel than feather s.母爱是动力,能使普通人无所不能。

  Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.母爱不像其他的爱,需要那么多的歇息。

  Mother love doesn't need as much sleep as other sor ts.母亲的爱决不在乎你的美与丑,她觉得,不管怎样,你,永远美丽可爱。

  Mother love doesn't give a damn about your looks.Sh e thinks you are beautiful,anyway.母亲的爱是地球上最有弹性的爱但母爱的弦不能 绷得过紧。

  Mother love is the most elastic thing on earth- but even mother love can be stretched too far.母亲的爱像空气,它是那么普 通平凡,你甚至不会注意到它的存在,直至感情枯竭。

  Mother love is like air.It's so commonplace you don 't even notice it.till the supply is cut off.母亲是一根将世界紧密 相连的锁链。

  Mums are an interlocking chain that holds the world together.

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