专业八级词汇Word List7文本及音频

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月28日 22:03   北京环球时代学校

Word List 7



standing n. 地位, 名声, 身分 = status; 持续时间 adj. 常备的; 永久的 = permenant

  【例】a scientist of good/high standing, ie respected, eminent 有名望的科学家. a standing army 常备军 a standing committee常务委员会.

  stance n.姿态 = posture


  【例】He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance. 他坚持僵硬的右派政治立场.

  stampede n.v. 惊逃, 乱窜 = bolt;蜂拥


  【例】The cattle stampeded towards the farm. 受惊的牛群向牧场涌去

  stamina n (防止疾病、疲劳或经受磨难的)体力,耐力 = endurance


  【例】I doubt that she has the stamina to run the full distance of the marathon race.

  stalwart adj 身体健壮的;坚定勇敢的 = stout【参】stance(n 姿态;站姿);standstill(n 停止;停顿)

  【例】His consistent support of the party has proved that he is a stalwart and loyal member.

  stallion n.牡马(尤指种马), 留种的雄兽

  stalk n 植物的茎 = stem;v 暗中追踪

  【记】由于植物的茎可以通过测量动物脚印的深度和测出动物粪便的湿度,所以有利于追踪猎物――追踪【参】stem(n 茎;v 阻止)

  stalemate n 僵局(下一步行动受阻的情形) = deadlock; 使陷入(僵局)

  【记】组合词: stale(adj 陈腐的→无用的)+mate(将死对方的棋)→将不死→和棋, 僵局

  【例】break the stalemate.(打破僵局)

  staid adj 镇定自若的;严肃的 = sober


  【例】Her conduct during the funeral ceremony was staid and solemn.

  stag n.牡鹿, adj. 只限男子参加的

  【例】a stag night at the golf club


  staccato adj (音乐)断音的;断奏的 = disconnected

  【记】st+acca+to, 记住中间的acca,似乎呈断裂状态

  【例】His staccato speech reminded one of the sound of a machine gun.

  squirt v. 使(液体、粉末等)喷出 = spurt

  【例】I squeezed the bottle and the sauce squirted out. 我把瓶子一捏, 沙司就挤出来了.

  squirm v.n. 蠕动,扭动 = wriggle

  【例】He was squirming (around) on the floor in agony. 他躺在地上痛苦地扭动着.

  squire n.乡绅, 骑士侍从

  squint v 斜视(表示不同意);(在强光下)眯着眼睛看 = peer


  【例】squinting in the bright sunlight 在很亮的阳光下眯起眼睛 squinting through the letter-box 从投信口向信箱里面看.

  squeamish adj 易晕船的, 易恶心的 = nauseated; 过于拘谨的

  【记】读: 死鬼迷失→一个死酒鬼迷失了方向→晕了→易恶心的

  【例】an explicit and violent film, definitely not for the squeamish 一部露骨的、渲染暴力的影片, 神经脆弱的人肯定受不了.

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