
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月30日 15:19   教育部考试中心


  下列乘车路线供考生参考。如对考场的位置仍有疑问,请拨打电话:010-64265966, 64269308。

  地 址:北京安定门外外馆东街23号





  12月8日(周六)上午的笔试考场仍为北京语言大学第一教学楼。 12月8日(周六)下午和12月9日(周日)的口语考场仍为北京语言大学逸夫教学楼。

  Monday Interview at Beijing Education Examinations Instructive Centre – Dec 10th, 2007

  The interview time for some candidates registered for the Dec 8th, 2007 test in Beijing will be arranged on Monday (Dec 10th 2007), and the venue is the No.1 Building of Beijing Education Examinations Instructive Centre. Please check your interview time on the registration website 2 working days prior to the test.

  The following transportation details are for your reference. If you still have inquiries about the location of this Monday venue, please call 010-64265966, 64269308 for further information.

  Address: No. 23 An Ding Men Wai Waiguan East Street


  No. 18、113、407、417(branch)、850、T2: Getting off at Ganshui Bridge Station

  No. 104, 108 (Trolley Bus), 124: Getting off at Ganshui Bridge (Anzhen Bridge) Station

  No. 300、302、387、731: Getting off at Anzhen Bridge Station

  The written test venue in the morning of Dec 8th (Saturday) remains to be the No. 1 Teaching Building of Beijing Language and Culture University. The speaking test venue on Dec 8th (Saturday) afternoon and Dec 9th (Sunday) remains the Yifu Building of Beijing Language and Culture University.

    更多信息请访问:新浪雅思频道 雅思论坛 雅思博客圈


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