专业八级词汇Word List33文本及音频

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月01日 12:21   北京环球时代学校

 Word List 33



  exorcise v (用念咒或祈祷的方法)驱魔; 摆脱(坏念头或邪恶的灵魂等)

  【记】ex出, sorc巫术→使出巫术→驱魔。这里的词根是orc, 意思是oath。【参】sorcery(n 巫术; 魔术); sorcerer(n 男巫师); exorcism(n 驱鬼; 咒语)

  【例】By incantation and prayer, the medicine man sought to exorcise the evil spirits that had taken possession of the young warrior.

  exonerate v 免除(罪责、责备、责任、义务或任务) = absolve

  【记】ex+oner(负担)+ate→走出负担→无罪【参】onerous(adj 繁重的; 有责任的)

  【例】I am sure this letter naming the actual culprit will exonerate you.

  exodus n 大批离去 = mass departure


  【例】the mass exodus of people to the sea and mountains for the summer holidays 为度暑假游山玩水大批人外出

  existentialist n.存在主义者; adj.存在主义的

  【例】...drawing on her existentialist theories.

  existential adj.有关存在的, <哲>存在主义的, <逻>存在判断的

  【例】`What if there's nothing left at all?' he cries, lost in some intense existential angst.

  exhort v 力劝; 勉励(用强烈令人刺激的劝告或恳求来激励) = urge; 恳求

  【记】ex出, hort鼓舞→鼓舞出来→力劝

  【例】The evangelist will exhort all sinners in his audience to reform.

  exhilarate v 鼓舞(使精神振作和精力充沛) = stimulate; 使高兴 = elate

  【记】ex出, hilar高兴→使人表现出高兴→使高兴【参】hilarious(adj 欢闹的; 高兴的); exhilaration(n 令人高兴; 愉快); exhilarating(adj.令人喜欢的, 爽快的)

  【例】exhilarated by the news 这消息使人高兴 We felt exhilarated by our walk along the beach. 我们沿着海滩散步感到心旷神怡.

  exemplify vt.例证, 例示, 作为...例子 = typify


  【例】exemplify the problems involved. 举例说明所涉及的问题.

  exemplary adj 楷模的 = typical

  【记】参考:exemplar(n 模范;标本);ex出,empl = empt拿:拿的出手-模范。exemplify(vt 例证;作为…例子)

  【例】exemplary behaviour 模范行为exemplary punishment 警戒性的惩罚.

  execrable adj 极坏的 = abominable;该咒骂的


  【例】The anecdote was in execrable taste and shocked the audience.

  excusable adj.可原谅的, 可容许的, 言之有理的, 可免除的 = forgivable


  【例】I then realised that he had made a simple but excusable historical mistake.


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