专业八级词汇Word List44文本及音频

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月01日 22:35   北京环球时代学校

 Word List 44



  backhand n.adv.反手击球(的), 左斜体(的)



  【例】Agassi hit a backhand.

  backfire n.(汽缸里)燃爆时间过早


  backdate vt.回溯,在之前的时间生效


  【例】The pay increase will be backdated to January.

  backbreaking adj.非常辛劳的 = laborious


  【例】a lot of backbreaking hard work.

  backbiting n.诽谤, 中伤 = defamation


  【例】All this backbiting is destroying company morale.

  babble v 说傻话,说胡话;呀呀学语 = prattle

  【例】The little girl babbled about her doll.


  awesome adj引起敬畏的, 可怕的 = breathtaking


  【例】The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.

  avid adj 热心的(有强烈的兴趣和热情 = eager); 热望的; 贪婪的

  【记】avi飞, 鸟→人类早就渴望飞了→热望的【参】avarice

  【例】He is avid for praise.

  avert v 避免, 防止(某事的发生); 转移(目光、思想等)

  【记】a+vert(转)→转开→避免 【参】divert(v 转向); introvert(n 内向的人)

  【例】She averted her eyes from the dead cat on the highway.

  aversion n 极度嫌恶(的人或事) = loathing


  【例】Their mutual aversion was so great that they refused to speak to one another.

  avalanche n 雪崩,山崩(大块雪或岩石沿着山坡下滑的现象)

  【例】an avalanche of letters 雪片般飞来的信件


  avail n.效用, 利益; vi.有益于, 有帮助, 有用, 有利; vt.有利于 = use

  【例】You must avail yourself of every opportunity to speak English. 你要利用一切机会说英语.

  autopsy n (为查明死因)验尸


  【例】One of the pigs was killed and autopsied(其中一头猪宰后剖检)

  automate v.使自动化, 自动操作


  autograph n. 亲笔签名, 手迹(尤指为留作纪念者):

  【记】auto自己+graph词根letter, writing “字母; 书写”

  【例】a player who would always sign autographs and chat with fans

  autocratic adj.独裁的, 专制的 = despotic


  autocrat n 独裁者(拥有无限权力的人) = dictator

  【记】auto自己,crat统治--自己统治--独裁者【参】autocratic(adj 独裁专制的);autocracy(n 独裁政府);democracy(n 民主主义);aristocracy(n 贵族统治)

  authoritarian n 独裁主义者

  【记】authority(n 权威,权力)

  【例】an authoritarian government, regime, doctrine 权力主义的政府

  austerity n 节俭(严格节约,经济紧缩);简朴;艰苦 = modesty

  【例】a time of great austerity after the war

  【记】au读:诶哟,sterity = sterility(n 不毛之地)--需要节俭

  austere adj 简朴的, 不加修饰的; (人)严格节制的 = ascetic

  【例】monks leading simple, austere lives 过着清苦生活的僧侣.

  auspicious adj 吉兆的,幸运的(预示成功兴盛的) = favorable

  【记】au+spic(看)+ious→看到的(好事)→吉兆的 同根词:conspicuous(明显的)

  【例】With favorable weather conditions, it was an auspicious moment to set sail.

  aura n.气氛, 气味, (圣象头部的)光环; <医>先兆, 预感

  【例】She always seems to have an aura of happiness about her. 她好像总是喜气洋洋的.

  augment v 增大, 加强 = increase

  【记】aug(提高)+ment→提高→增大。或可联想: 律师有好的argument, money就augment

  【例】How can we hope to augment our forces when our allies are deserting us?

  audition n.v. (演员等)试唱,试演

  【记】audi听--听新演员唱--试唱【参】auditorium(n 听众席,观众席);audit(n 审计,旁听)

  【例】Which part are you auditioning for? 你扮什么角色试音?

  audible adj 听得见的 = aural


  【例】Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind. 在风声中, 她的声音几乎听不见.

  audacious adj 大胆鲁莽的(常指不顾结果的大胆) = daredevil


  【例】audacious behavior

  auction n 拍卖(将物品卖给最高出价者的公开出售)

  【例】The Army is auctioning off a lot of old equipment. 军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉.

  【记】auct = aug增加--增加价格--拍卖【参】augment(v 增加,增大);august(n 八月)

  attrition n 消磨,磨损;消耗 = grinding

  【记】attrit(磨擦)+ion→磨损 同根词:contrition(悔恨)

  【例】The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries

  attribute n 属性,性质 = quality;v 把…归于 = ascribe

  【例】She attributes her success to hard work and a bit of luck. 她认为她的成功是由于勤奋加上一点儿运气而得来的.

  【记】tribute分配,拨给--把…归于【参】attribution(n 归因);distribute(vt 分发);tribute(n 贡品)

  attest v 证明, 证实(用签名、誓言、官方职位来证明是真的) = certify


  【例】I can attest to the absolute truth of his story 我可以证实他的话是千真万确的。

  atrocity n 暴行(由武装力量对公民或犯人做出的暴力的折磨) = brutality

  【例】Many atrocities are committed on innocent people in wartime. 战争期间无辜百姓横遭蹂躏.


  atrocious adj 极其残忍的,凶恶的 = monstrous


  【例】atrocious crimes 残暴的罪行

  asymmetric adj 不对称的 = disproportionate

  【记】a+sym(同)+metr(测量)+ic→测量不同→不对称的 参考:symmetry(对称)

  【例】Because one eyebrow was set markedly higher than the other, William’s face had a particularly asymmetric appearance.

  asylum n 避难所(提供保护及安全的场所) = refuge


  【例】ask for/be granted political asylum请求/准予避难(外国给予政治难民的保护)

  astrophysics n.天体物理学


  astrology n 占星术(以观测天象来预卜人间事务的一种方术)

  【记】astro星,ology学科-占星学;参:astronomy(n 天文学)

  astray adj 迷途的;误入歧途的 = afield

  【记】stray(v 迷路;adj 迷路的)

  【例】The boy was led astray by bad companions 这小孩被坏伙伴诱入歧途。

  astral adj 星形的;与星有关的


  【例】an astral body 星星 * astral beams 星光.

  asthma n 哮喘(病)

  asterisk v.n.星号


  【例】The asterisked questions may be omitted. 带星号的问题可以略去.

  assortment n.分类 = variety


  【例】a wide assortment of friends

  assimilate v 同化; 吸收(消化后把营养消耗并吸收在体内)

  【记】simil相似相同→使相同→同化【参】simulate(vt 模拟, 冒充); similarity(n 相似性)

  【例】The manner in which the United States was able to assimilate the hordes of immigrants during the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth centuries will always be a source of pride.

  assignment n (指定给某人的)任务或职责 = task

  【例】The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.


  assiduous adj 勤勉的 = industrious; 专心的

  【记】as一再+sid(坐)+uous→坐得多的→勤勉的【参】assiduity(n 勤勉); preside(v 主持); insidious(adj 阴险的)

  【例】It took Rembrandt weeks of assiduous labor before he was satisfied with his portrait of his son.

  assertive adj.断定的, 过分自信的 = confident


  【例】state one's opinions in an assertive tone of voice 以坚定自信的语气表达自己的意见.

  assent v (与to连用)同意(某建议) = consent

  【记】as一个, sent感觉→大家一个感觉→同意【参】dissent(v 反对); resent(v 愤恨, 怨恨)

  【例】It gives me great pleasure to assent to your request.


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