
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月04日 09:20   无忧雅思网


  关于雅思作文 2007年3月10日考题教学现场写作段落

  这个段子是在第二教学区今天上课时候写出的东西,很多同学没有记下笔记, 现在整理出来, 供大家参考

  Computers and mobile phones have virtually flooded every trade and every corner, not exaggeratedly speaking. Ironically, they have not yet eroded the importance of the traditional writing skills, perhaps because handwriting is more than a communication means. Besides functional roles, it, perhaps, bears aesthetic significance. Take traditional Chinese calligraphy as a specific case in point. It has been practiced as fine arts. As a result, handwriting and the skills in writing have never faded in importance, nor have they shrunk in the scope of utility. Another reason why people still cherish the traditional skills in writing is, as largely accepted, that these skills have been already woven in the warp and weft of the culture, making these skills perpetuate rather than an ephemeral phenomenon.

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