2008年04月17日 09:57 新浪教育
第二部分: 大家看看,雅思口语第二部分现在内容比较广泛,希望同学认真准备。 参考教材:口语词汇:王陆807雅思口语词汇 范文:王陆老师的妙语连珠舌战考官 其它 A new exciting activity you want to do (4月5日下午话题) Animal(4月5日下午话题) 喜欢的动物,在哪里见到,什么有趣的事情 第三部分:人们都养什么宠物,养宠物有什么问题,怎么解决这些问题,什么宠物更适合养,宠物能有什么作用(我说了一个KEEP ME COMPANY,她让我再说点什么,我就说可以报警当有人闯入房间和可以帮助DISABLE),过去和现在养宠物有什么区别,你养宠物吗? Ideal job(4月5日下午话题) 人物 Interesting old person(4月5日下午话题) teenager (4月5日下午话题) Person you helped(4月5日下午话题) A person you want to be similar to in the future A person in history a person who is good at his or her job friend 这是个新题:a family you like (not your own) 物品 Newspaper(4月5日下午话题) Magazine Website TV program Favorite photo Book/story in childhood Clothes or jewelry Sth you lost(4月5日下午话题) A foreign film which influenced you (4月5日下午话题) Equipment (not computers) A gift Sports 地点 Swimming place Building Place in your childhood Restaurant City you like to travel to Shop/department store Park (4月5日下午话题) Concert hall A place you have worked or studied A place with a lot of water 经历 Sth you succeeded in doing A case that you were late An enjoyable/happy event(4月5日下午话题) A journey/trip/travel(4月5日下午话题) A second foreign language you want to learn A recent change in your life A letter/postcard you received A piece of advice you got Sth that made you happy/exciting event 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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