
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月23日 09:13   昂立英语


  As can be seen from the chart, the percentage of female students was far higher than that of male students at Toya.


  As can be seen from the chart, those who chose to study for IELTS far outnumbered those choosing to study for TOEFL. Meanwhile, the number of those who chose to study for TOEFL was on a steady rise.


  As can be seen from the diagram, the frequency of Toya students eating at restaurants revealed a trend of fluctuations in different months.


  As can be seen from the charts, the weekly workload borne by male teachers outweighed that of female teachers at Toya.


  As can be seen from the chart, the sales of Toya Headquarter and the five branch schools all revealed a trend of fast increase across the board.


  As can be seen from the chart, the income of Toya teachers revealed a general trend of steady rise.


  As can be seen from the chart, the advertising investment of Toya revealed a trend of gradual decrease, but interestingly, its sales witnessed a trend of increase by leaps and bounds.


  The pie chart shows that the percentage of female students was much higher than that of male students while the graph indicates that in terms of students’ performance on IELTS, female students did a much better job than male ones.


  The pie chart indicates that IELTS accounted for a much larger percentage than TOEFL at Toya while the graph shows that student enrollment on the two programs on a monthly basis revealed a general trend of fluctuations.


  The graph indicates that the sales of Toya both in the first half and the second half of the year revealed a general trend of fast increase while costs and expenses fluctuated greatly.


  As is indicated in the graph, male employees working in executive positions accounted for a much higher percentage than females.


  As is indicated in the graph, the income of all the groups revealed a general trend of increase

  across the board though the margins of the rises varied.


  As is indicated in the graph, the higher one’s education level was, the higher his income.


  As can be seen from the table, net sales and costs and expenses of the designated company

  both showed a general trend of fast increase while its profit fluctuated.


  As we can see from the first chart, the percentage of female smokers was on a steady rise

  across the board while the number of male smokers showed a trend of fluctuations.


  As can be seen from the chart, the percentage of those who chose math declined steadily

  while those who studied business management revealed a general upward trend.


  As can be seen from the table, the total road accidents over the designated period revealed a

  general trend of fluctuations.


  As is indicated in the graph, China’s auto manufacturing and sales both revealed a general trend of dramatic increase.

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