
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月06日 09:23   昂立英语


  Differences in personality actually open up chances for friends to learn from each other’s

  good qualities and different hobbies indeed improve the quality of the communication.


  We need to trust our friends and at the same time, we also need to analyze and look at things

  in a rational way.


  Friends can be the driving force in our life and work. They can also be the root of our worries

  and miseries. Anyhow, if we treat our friends sincerely, we are sure to be rewarded.


  Some people enjoy change and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives

  to stay the same and they do not change their usual habits.


  Some people say that people behave differently when they wear different clothes while others

  maintain that their true selves are not subject to any external changes.


  Decisions can be made quickly or they can be made after careful thought. Interestingly,

  however, the former are not necessarily always wrong and the latter are not necessarily

  always correct.


  Some people trust their first impressions about others’ characters because they believe that,

  with the absence of partiality or prejudice in forming the first impressions, these judgments

  are generally correct.


  People are never satisfied with what they have. They always want something more or

  something different.


  Some people hold that one should read those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts.


  Entering the 21st century, there are still people who hold that it is more important for students

  to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics.


  Some education experts insist that all primary school pupils should be required to study art

  and music at which I look differently.


  I argue that students, primary school students in particular, should be relieved from the heavy

  task of studying and doing homework, thus having more time for sports and physical


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