
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月07日 09:30   新浪教育


  Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?

  Why do you like to watch films?

  What kind of films do you like?

  How often do you go to the cinema?

  What’s the difference between American films and Chinese films?





  What do you do with computers?

  Do you think that children should learn to use computers?

  Do you think that life is better with computers?

  When did you begin to use computers?

  What’s the influence of computers on you?

  Living place

  Where are you living now?

  Do you like your living environment?

  Is it good or bad for children?

  Is there anything for improvement?


  Do you like taking photos?

  On what kind of situations do you take photos?

  Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?


  What do you do in your leisure time?

  What relaxation do people around you like?

  What kind of activities do people of your country do for relaxation?

  Why do people need leisure?

  What will you do if you have extra spare time?

  How can people have more spare time?

  Do you go out with your colleagues?


  Do you like drawing?

  What are the benefits of drawing?

  What are the benefits of drawing for adults?


  When did you begin to read newspaper?

  What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers?


  When do people send gifts in China?

  What did you give and receive?

  What gifts are popular in China?

  What have you given to others and who did you send gifts to?


  Do you think the art is important to life?

  Can you give an example of arts you learn?

  What kind of art do you like?

  What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?

  What kind of art are you good at?

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