
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月15日 09:37   新浪教育


  …XXX…What do you think about it?

  (1) There are numerous approaches to solving XXX/impacts on XXX/characteristics of XXX, and I would explore the most conspicuous ones here.

  One of the primary method/One of the primary impacts/ One of the primary characteristics, to my mind, is that_________________.

  A more subtle point which we must consider is that___________________.

  In addition/Furthermore, __________________.

  In conclusion/Taking into account of all these methods/effects/aspects, we may reach the conclusion that________________________.

  (2) Among countless factors which contribute to XXX, three conspicuous aspects are as follows.

  One of the primary causes is that______________________.

  XXX also results from_______________________.

  ____________________is responsible for XXX, as well.

  To put all into a nutshell, I draw the conclusion that A, B and C are three main contributors to XXX.


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