
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月15日 10:06   新浪教育


  Jan. 2008


  The new law greatly limits the use of short-term contracts. The new law allows employers to assign only two consecutive fixed-term contracts. After that the employer must offer the employee an open-ended contract.

  The LCL imposes severe restrictions on the use of probationary periods in the employment relationship. Probationary periods are permitted, but the length is limited. Furthermore, an employee can only be subject to a single probationary period by a single employer. Wages during the probationary period must also be no less than 80% of the contract wage.


  Chinese workers are increasingly aware of their rights

  these laws seem more favorable to workers

  The LCL has been actively publicized and employees are well informed about their rights under the new law.

  try to redress the balance of power between workers and employers.

  For example, mines and construction sites have been getting a lot of attention for several years now. workers were clearly being abused. All of this represented a source of social instability, and I think they just decided they couldn't afford it. So they decided to get at one root cause: the lack of contracts.

  Implementation and enforcement are traditionally the weakest points of labor law in China.


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