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2008年05月21日 09:45 昂立英语
26.事情在变得越发糟糕。 Things are turning for the worse. 27.他是个得寸进尺的人。 Give him an inch and he’ll take a yard. 28.谋杀经过精心策划,决非偶然。 The murder was meticulously planned; there was nothing accidental about it. 29.新型方边比萨饼现隆重推出:尺寸增加27%,加量不加价!层层叠叠的各色新鲜馅料铺满各个角落,配上香酥松脆的薄薄饼底,滋味十足,每吃一口,口水横流,给您带来全方位的开心享受。 New Square Edge Pizza is now available. It’s bigger by 27% and the price remains the same! With lots of fresh toppings on the unique and crispy thin dough. Every bite is delicious and mouth-watering, allowing you total enjoyment.) 30.我在这里不是给你收拾烂摊子的! I’m not here to clear up the mess you’ve made! 31.一些年轻人不在学校学习却整天东游西荡。 Some young people simply mess around all day when they are supposed to be at school. 32.他是一个极为多变的老板,经常变来变去把我搞的晕头转向。 He is such a changeable boss. He often messes me around with his change-anytime mind! 33.装备了这台新机器,一支搜查队进入到了洞中,希望找到埋藏的财宝。 Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. 34.我爱她,虽然她近在咫尺,我却不敢正视她。 I love her. Although she is only at arm’s length, I dare not look into her eyes. 35.为了做一位不偏不倚的上司,我总是与公司里的每一名员工都保持适当距离。 To be an impartial boss, I always keep every employee in the company at arm’s length. 36.晚饭后我去了他那里,希望和他言归于好。 After dinner, I went to his place, hoping to make it up with him. 37.有效控制禽流感蔓延对于中国社会政治稳定和经济发展具有极其重要的战略意义。 Effectively controlling the spread of Bird Flu is of great strategic significance to the socio-political stability and economic development of China. 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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