
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月27日 17:26   新浪教育




  Work or Study Place where you live (house or flat) Hometown

  Evening activities Sports Garden (grow flowers/vegi) Birthday Internet Music Museum/Art gallery News (TV/radio/Internet) Food Gift Shopping Clothes Weather Teacher shopping newspaper mobile phone Meeting new people Housework reading Watching TV


  1. A book you have read recently

  2. A game (not sport) you played when you were a child

  3. A photo

  4. A good law in China

  5. Some interesting news

  6. A gift you gave

  7. A tourist attraction

  8. A person you helped

  9. An organisation

  10. A show/performance you watched

  11. Something you would like to learn

  12. A white lie (goodwill)

  13. Someone you would like to spend time with

  14. An old person you respect

  15. Folk art

  16. Workplace

  17. Pollution

  18. Letter

  19. TV program

  20. a place with a lot of water

  21. family event (birthday party or wedding)

  22. a city you visited

  23. second foreign language

  24. a website

  25. handicraft you made

  26. A recent change in your life

  27. A sport (physical activity) you played when you were a child

  28. Cafe or restaurant

  29. postcard or email

  30. a person who is good at his/her job

  31. A school friend

  32. Advice

  33. Being late

  34. Project

  35. Shopping centre

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