
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月06日 10:30   新东方

  Sages have been chattering all the time about the danger and devastation of judging a book by its cover. Admittedly, there is some truth in their effort, as it would be unsophisticated and misleading to calculate one’s moral character and dignity solely by his “cover”, be it his look, stature or even the quality of clothing.(如果字数多了,这个蓝色部分可以删掉) A closer study of the issue, aided by an acute sense of customs and convictions, (如果字数多了,这个蓝色部分可以删掉) however, reveals quite indisputably that one can learn, more or less, about people by the clothes they dress. The most significant information thus gathered is personal identity and cultural inclinations.

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