
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月11日 09:47   昂立英语

  Part I:单词与短语

  Exciting adj.令人兴奋的;trip n.旅行;receive vt.收到;Australia n.澳大利亚;engineer n.工程师;firm n.公司,商社;already adv.已经;different adj.不同的;Australian adj.& n.澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人;center n.中心;fly v.飞;abroad adv.在国外;find vt.发现

  Part II:语法学习



  示例1:I have sent her an E-mail.(没有讲什么时候发的,但肯定已经发了,而且,既然没有讲什么时候发的,所以,我们最保险的判断就是:到目前为止,那就是以现在为截至点,所以,就要用现在完成时)

  示例2:I have been to Beijing 3 times.(可能三次去北京都是多年前的事情了,但是,因为没有具体讲是哪几年去的,所以,我们在理解上最保险的作法就是:算到现在,总共三次)

  示例3:We have learnt 500 words.(没有讲什么时间学的,所以,最好就是理解成截至到现在)


  概念解释:所谓同位语,就是“A, B”结构,从实质上讲,A和B是同一回事情

  示例1:my brother, Tim(我的兄弟就是Tim;Tim就是my brother)

  示例2:Alice Springs, a small town in the center of Australia(Alice Springs就是后面的a small town…;a small town…就是指Alice Spring)



  示例1:He will soon visit Darwin.(现在还没去呢)

  示例2:From there, he will fly to Perth.(现在还没去呢)

  Part III:综合训练

  I have just (1 receive) a letter (2) my brother, Tim He is in Australia (3) he (4 have) been there (5) six months. Tim is an engineer (6) he is working (7) a big firm. He has already visited a great number (8) different places (9) Australia. He has just (10 buy) an Australian car (11) has (12 go) to Alice Springs, a small town (13) the center of Australia. He (14) soon visit Darwin and (15) there, he will fly (16) Perth. My brother has never (17 be) abroad before, (18) he is finding this trip very (19 excite).


  (1) received; (2) from; (3) and; (4) has; (5) for; (6) and; (7) for// in//with; (8) of; (9) in; (10) bought; (11) and; (12) gone; (13) in; (14) will; (15) from; (16) to; (17) been; (18) so; (19) exciting

  Part IV:句型转换


  1. I have just received a letter from my brother. My brother is Tim.

  2. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months.

  3. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm. He has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.

  4. He has just bought an Australian car. He has gone to Alice Springs. Alice Springs is a small town in the center of Australia.

  5. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth.

  6. My brother has never been abroad before. He is finding this trip very exciting.


  1. I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim

  2. He is in Australia and he has been there for six months. // He is in Australia and has been there for six months.

  3. Tim is an engineer working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.或:Working for a big firm, Tim is an engineer and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.

  4. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the center of Australia.

  5. He will soon visit Darwin and from there he will fly to Perth.

  6. My brother has never been abroad before and he is finding this trip very exciting.或:My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.)

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