
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月11日 17:56   新浪教育


  1. Since one of Professor Roche's oft-repeated adages was that familiarity leads to ___, his students were quite surprised to find him so ___. Return of the Native, a novel he had taught for over 30 years.

  A love...enthusiastic over

  B contempt...disdainful of

  C knowledge...conversant with

  D boredom...excited by

  E admiration...confused by

  2. Reason was once believed to be ___ human, but lately this assumption of intellectual superiority has come under increasingly skeptical scrutiny: most researchers now at least ___ the notion that some animals can think.

  A logically…ridicule

  B unique…entertain

  C scarcely…embrace

  D quintessentially…balk at

  E peculiarly…scoff at

  3. Powerful as they are, the ___ songs the artist is best known for might sting more and have even greater emotional complexity if one felt that his criticisms were aimed at himself as well as at his unnamed foes.

  A accusatory

  B altruistic

  C mournful

  D simplistic

  E humble

  4. In her love the sea is ___ symbol: to the narrator it clearly represents everything that is destructive in nature, but at other times it seems to stand for everything in nature that is serenely beautiful.

  A an enduring

  B an ambiguous

  C a coherent

  D an obtrusive

  E a discrete

  5. Despite their extensive efforts to determine the mode of oil ___, scientists still have not ___ the process by which oil is produced.

  A dispersion…excluded

  B synthesis…rejected

  C creation…investigated

  D recovery…condoned

  E genesis…established

  6. Compared with their parties, politicians are ___:they are considerably less enduring than the organizations in which they function.

  A ubiquitous

  B autonomous

  C fickle

  D immutable

  E transitory

  7. Chavez’ account of her supervisors ___ decision making belies the agency’s image as little more than ___ bureaucracy.

  A cautious…a staid

  B ill-informed…a disorganized

  C reckless…an incompetent

  D systematic…a methodical

  E headlong…a timorous

  8. FIR:TREE::

  A wool: fiber

  B pore: skin

  C lawn: grass

  D color: hue

  E board: log


  A hoax: fraudulence

  B specter: solidity

  C warning: earnestness

  D goal: achievement

  E setback: promotion


  A theft: property

  B restoration: quality

  C admonition: duty

  D escape: bondage

  E discourse: language


  A pernicious: foresight

  B clever: calculation

  C sincere: duplicity

  D unprecedented: confidence

  E ill-considered: spontaneity

  12. STOKE:FUEL::

  A garnish: decoration

  B simulate: imitation

  C radiate: steam

  D cook: nutrient

  E propel: height


  A receive: acquire

  B indicate: acquire

  C oversee: supervise

  D hearten: encourage

  E move: bustle


  A conscientiousness: hesitant

  B condescension: arrogant

  C indolence: acrimonious

  D geniality: acrimonious

  E malice: devious

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