

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年07月17日 11:16   新东方



  LINE GRAPH 是说Average working hours per week:1998-2004

  TABLE CHART 是很简单的图Average days of holiday 1998-2004


  Some people support the development in agriculture such as factory farming and scientific creation of new type of fruits and vegetables. Some people oppose it and support other development.


  Taking a historical view about agriculture, we can quite easily understand how much we rely on this trade, including the mode of life and the way we think. As a result of population increase and petroleum industry, many methods that have been unthinkable before can now be adopted ,such as factory farming and inventing new types of fruits and vegetables. Many stand for this, whilst many others oppose it.

  Proponents argue that traditional agriculture has always been slow and lack of efficiency in mass production of food, which is already a serious problem in many countries. Also , factory farming can be very profitable since we can just get rid of the impact from climatic factors and pest invasion , thus every drop of nutrition can be utilized for every grain of food. New varieties of plant can also be a part of industrial production of food, since geneticists can be employed for more high-yielding species and new breeds of vegetables.

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