

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年07月22日 10:46   沪江英语


  答对不足8题者说明你目前的水平基本定格在5分左右。具体表现为在语法和单词使用上存在一定的问题,考试的时候很有可能写出病句或把单词用错。如果问题主要是语法方面的话建议参加新东方基础班的语法课,如果是单词使用方面的话建议加强英语文章的阅读量,看看老外写的文章里面那些你认识的单词是怎么用的。先从21st Century这份英语报纸入手吧!




  1. 一个人的成功是由很多因素决定的,而其中又以一个人的实践能力最为重要。

  2. 每天到处都是交通堵塞,给人们的生活带来极大不便。

  3. 劳动能够让孩子们意识到自己的强项和弱点在哪里,从而激发他们的求知欲。


  1. 6 分句: One’s success is decided by many factors, and one’s practical ability is the most important.

  One’s success depends on a lot of factors, and one’s practical ability is the most important.

  7 分句: One’s success owes much to quite a number of factors, with one’s practical ability being the most essential.

  2. 6 分句: Every day there are many traffic jams everywhere and it makes people’s life very inconvenient.

  Every day there are many traffic jams everywhere and it brings great inconvenience to people’s life.

  7 分句:Every day traffic jams can be seen everywhere, resulting in great inconvenience to people’s daily life.

  3. 6 分句: Labor can let children know where their strength and weakness are, and stimulate their desire to study.

  7 分句:Labor can make children realize where their strength and weakness lie, which in turn stimulates children’s thirst for knowledge.

  看看你的答案跟6分句还是7分句比较接近?如果是和7分句比较接近的话那恭喜你完全有希望冲击7分哦(作者:新东方 俞伟国)

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