

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年07月24日 10:19   无忧雅思网


  To associate with friends, we should be honest and open.

  To achieve happiness, one has a long way to go.


  Difficulties train oneto be great.

  The updating society requires peopleto accept new things positively.


  To start with, the eye-catching development of technology is a good case in point.

  Needless to say, we can never do without media.


  1做主语:Helping othersis happiness in itself.

  Losingcan be a real beginning.

  2做宾语:Change requiresadapting oneself to a new environment.

  Reading a book is likeopening a window to the outside world.


  A前置(将Ving放在名词前修饰名词 相当于一个形容词)

  Change is anexcitingbusiness.

  The Internet is developing at aneye-dazzlingspeed.

  B后置 (将Ving放在名词后修饰名词 相当于一个省略了的定语从句)

  Peopleholding the latter viewdo strongly believe that international tourism has more benefits. = Peoplewho hold the latter viewdo strongly believe that international tourism has more benefits.

  Childrenspending too much time surfing the Internetmay suffer from some psychological illnesses. = Childrenwho spend too much time surfing the Internetmay suffer from some psychological illnesses.

  4做状语: (只要主句的主语是Ving的发出者,Ving可以做所有的状语)

  Having entered the 21stcentury, we are now blessed with more opportunities and confronted with more challenges.

  Surfing the Internet, we are often annoyed by various advertisements.

  Serving in the army, women can perform. as well as men do.



  1 Properly speaking,

  2 Generally speaking,

  3B特殊 (一些由Ving构成的特殊插入语)

  1 Speaking of…

  9 (三)V-ed: Ved由动词加ed构成。Ved一般在写作中可以做定语,状语,和插入语。


  A前置(将Ved放在名词前修饰名词 相当于一个形容词)

  Chance favors thepreparedmind.

  It seems that we have embarked upon anever-acceleratedera.

  B后置 (将Ved放在名词后修饰名词 相当于一个省略了的定语从句)

  Difficultiesmasteredare opportunities. = Difficultieswhich are masteredare opportunities.

  Childrenencouraged to study alonecan cultivate their independence and toughness. = Childrenwho are encouraged to study alonecan cultivate their independence and toughness.


  Well done, the smallest task becomes a miracle of achievement.

  Encouraged to learn competition, children will adapt themselves to the society better in the future.


  1 Compared with…,

  2 Compared to…,

  3 Given…,

  4 Given closer analysis,

  5 Based on the above factors,

  6 Based on the above discussion,

  7 Simply stated,

  8 Simply put,

  (作者:环球雅思 齐辙)

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