

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年07月28日 16:43   昂立英语

  Part V:听力与口语训练


  Bob:They cut my hair so short!

  Jane:If I had been there, I wouldn’t have let them cut it so short for you.

  Jenny:If I had been there, I wouldn’t have let you pay for it.

  Angel:If I had been there, I would have taken you to see their boss.

  Maggie:If I had been there, I would have let them regret it.

  Penny:If I had been there, I would have let you ask for compensation.

  Judy:If I had been there, I would have let you dial 110.

  Jack:If I had been there, I would have let them cut your head off!


  Carol:Oh, John, I didn’t know you needed money badly.

  Mary:If I had known you needed money, I would have lent some to you.

  Judy:If you had let me know your problem, I would have been glad to help.

  Jessie:If someone had told me that you were broke, I would have borrowed some for you.

  Jane:If you had given me a phone call, I would have known that.

  Susan:If I had given you a phone call, I would have known your trouble.

  Jenny:I thought of coming over yesterday, but I had a meeting to attend. If I hadn’t attended the meeting, I would have come over to see you.

  Angel:If you had asked me for help, I would have sold my car to help you.

  Joan:If I hadn’t been out of town, I would have been able to help you.

  John:If I had known you would like to help me, I wouldn’t have done that!


  1.If I had studied harder, I would have passed the test.

  2.If I had been there, I would have stopped you.

  3.If I had known your trouble, I would have helped you out.

  4.If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have had this accident.

  5.If I had got up 10 minutes earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the bus.

  6.If I had told her the truth, she wouldn’t have wronged me.

  7.If I had looked at my watch, I wouldn’t have missed my flight.

  8.If I had gone to bed earlier, I wouldn’t have been late for class.

  9.If I had lent him the money, he wouldn’t have robbed the bank.

  10.If I hadn’t eaten that apple, I wouldn’t have had such a stomachache.

  11.If I had told you that earlier, this would not have happened.

  12.If I had married her, I wouldn’t have married you.

  13.If I had known you would still use it, I wouldn’t have thrown it away.

  14.If we had set out earlier, we would have got here before 6 o’clock.

  15.If I had known you were such a person, I wouldn’t have made friends with you.

  16.If you had lent me your car, I would have got there in time.

  17.If I had known there was a party, I would have worn a nicer dress.

  18.If I had known it was very cold, I would have put on more clothes.

  19.If I had put on more clothes, I would not have caught this cold.

  20.If you had listened to my advice, you would not have been taken in.


  pay for为﹍付钱;compensation n.赔偿;dial vt.拨号,拨打;cut one’s head off把某人的头砍下来;need money badly非常需要钱;help sb. out帮助某人摆脱困境;accident n.事故;wrong sb.冤枉某人;flight航班;stomachache n.胃痛,肚子痛;listen to one’s advice听从某人的劝告;take in(动词短语)欺骗

  Part VI:快速阅读

  An Elaborate(精心的) Fraud(欺诈)

  I met an old man at a café(咖啡店,小吃店) in a strange town.

  "Did you hear the radio news yesterday?" he asked.

  "I didn't," I said, "was there anything exciting?"

  "Exciting? No! It was very, very sad to me. A pack of(一群) hungry dogs killed and ate my best friend."

  "Oh, dear!" I cried, "I am sorry. How did it happen?"

  "He was working in his olive(橄榄) grove(小树林) on the hillside(山坡) when the pack attacked(攻击) him. We'll never know all the facts, of course. When he didn't return, I went there and…”"You found the body?" I asked.

  "The body?" he repeated. "No, no. I said they were hungry dogs, didn't I? The bones(骨头) were lying here and there in the grove, but I found this—" He pushed open(推开) a match box which he was holding in his hand.

  The box contained a man's thumb(拇指). It was lying on some white, bloody(血淋淋的) material(东西). There was a cut(割痕) — and old cut — on the thumb nail.

  "See that cut, "the man said, "I recognized it. This is my friend's right thumb. The dogs ate the rest of him!"

  The old man began to cry then. He finished his coffee quickly and left the cafe. I drank mine and called the waiter.

  "I'll pay the gentleman's bill," I said. "Please don't trouble him with it. His poor friend — how awful!"

  The waiter laughed :"Yes. There's a hole in the bottom(底部) of the matchbox. He puts his own thumb through the hole. The 'blood' is red ink, I believe. Is the story worth a cup of coffee, sir?"

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