

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年07月30日 13:44   昂立英语

  Part V:听力与口语训练


  Penny:How do you like living in Shanghai, Joan?

  Joan:I like it a lot. Everyone has been very nice.

  Penny:You’ve made a lot of new friends here, haven’t you?

  Joan:Oh, yes. I really like the people in Shanghai, but I miss my friends and family back home. I still get homesick sometimes.

  Penny:Of course. Shanghai is very different from Hunan, isn’t it?

  Joan:Yes, I think so. I come from a very small town in Hunan, so big city life is quite a change for me.

  Penny:Is it everything you expected?

  Joan:Oh, yes. Shanghai is such a fascinating place. More important, there are so many opportunities for my career development.


  Jessie:It’s such a fine day. Say, why don’t we pack a picnic lunch and go to the park? We can invite some other people to come too.

  Bob:This is one of the best ideas I’ve heard in weeks. What should we take for the picnic?

  Jessie:Anything is fine with me.

  Bob:Then how about hamburgers? We should have a barbecue.

  Jessie:Oh, no! I can’t stand hamburgers!

  Bob:But you said anything is fine with you.

  Jessie:Well, anything except hamburgers.

  Bob:OK. How about some sandwiches? You know, chicken, roast beef, peanut butter…?

  Jessie:All of them sound good for me.


  1.How do you like working here in Suzhou?

  2.How do you like working together with Mr. Gao?

  3.I’ve made a lot of new friends since I came to Suzhou two months ago.

  4.I like living and working in Shanghai, but I miss my family back home.

  5.Do you sometimes get homesick?

  6.I should say Shanghai is very different from any other city I’ve ever been to.

  7.Big city life is quite a change for those who come from small towns.

  8.Everything is not quite I expected.

  9.China is such a fascinating country.

  10.Many rural young people come to big cities like Shanghai and Beijing for career development.

  11.There are more opportunities in big cities than in small ones for self-development.

  12.I don’t care. Anything is fine with me.

  13.We can have a barbecue in the courtyard.

  14.Helen doesn’t eat anything but salad.

  15.What do we have for dessert?

  16.Hey, we haven’t gotten together in so long. Let’s find a time and have a get-together.

  17.I got waylaid on my way to school this morning. I ran into an old friend and he started to tell me about his successful story.


  homesick adj.想家的;quite a change相当大的一个变化;expect vt.预料,预期;fascinating adj.迷人的,令人着迷的;more important更重要的是;opportunity n.机会;career n.职业生涯;development n.发展;pack vt.打包;picnic n.野餐;invite vt.邀请;hamburger n.汉堡;sandwich n.三明治;roast adj.烤制的;beef n.牛肉;peanut butter 花生酱;self-development自我发展;courtyard n.院子;get waylaid d](因遭遇拦截、抢劫或遇到熟人而)耽搁了时间;successful adj.成功的

  Part VI:快速阅读

  A Clever Shepherd(牧羊人)

  Many years ago, in the time of King John, there was an Abbot(修道士) of Canterbury. The Abbot was famous for having a large and rich house. People said that it was even finer(精美) than the King's house and when King John heard this, he was very angry. He sent a messenger(信使) to bring the Abbot to him.

  "You are a traitor(叛徒), "the King said. The Abbot knew why the King was angry and replied: "My Lord(陛下), I spend no more than(仅仅) I have. Surely(当然) there is no law against(反对,禁止) that?" But the King would not listen.

  "You will lose your head and all your riches(财富) unless you can answer three questions. First, how much am I worth? Second, how long will it take me to ride(骑马) around the world? Third, what am I thinking?"

  The Abbot replied: "My Lord, give me three days to find the answers."

  The King agreed and the Abbot left him to return home, but he was in despair(绝望) because although he was very clever, he did not know the answers.

  On the way back, the Abbot met the shepherd who looked after his sheep. "Good morning, my Lord. Welcome home," said the shepherd," But why do you look so sad? Do you have bad news?" "Very bad news, "the Abbot replied, "I have only three days to live if I can not answer these questions set(定下) by the King. First, how much is the King worth? Second, how long will it take him to ride around the world? And third, what does he think?" The shepherd laughed, "Mr. Lord, have you never heard the thing — A fool can teach a wise man? Give me your horse and clothes and I will go, disguised as(假扮成) you, to answer King John."

  The Abbot agreed and the shepherd dressed up(穿上) in the Abbot's clothes and went to see the King.

  "Good morning. Abbot," said King John, "Now, can you tell me what I am worth?" The shepherd replied: "Jesus was sold for thirty silver pieces, so you are worth twenty-nine because I cannot value you as much as him."

  The King laughed: "Is that all? Now, tell me how long it will take me to ride around the world?" The shepherd replied: "If you rise with the sun and ride with him all day, you will ride around the world in 24 hours."

  "Very clever," the King said, "but one question remains. Can you tell me what I am thinking?" "Yes, I can." Said the shepherd, "You think I am the Abbot of Canterbury, but I am simply his shepherd and I have come to ask you to forgive the Abbot and myself and pardon(宽恕) us."

  King John was very pleased by the cleverness(聪明) of the shepherd. "You are both forgiven and you may have this bag of gold as a reward(奖赏) for your cleverness."

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