

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月06日 09:53   新浪教育

  原句:I will spend my entire life protecting you and to make you be away from the hurt, undoubtedly, ensureyou live in the world filled with sunshine and happiness.

  修改点评:I will spent my entire life protecting you and to make(这里不能用不定式) you be away from the hurt, undoubtedly(放在动词前面或者句子前面), ansure(单词拼写错误)you live in the world filled with sunshine and happiness.

  I will spend (加上副词) my entire life protecting you from any hurt(什么样的伤害) and ensure you a world with sunshine and happiness.(后面可以加很多细节)

  修改参考 It may take you years to wait for me but I spend my entire life searching for you, only hoping to keep you safe from harms in pouring rain and bring in an endless sunshine where all flowers blooms at your smile, all birds sing at your call, all stars twinkle at your dance, and all the universe turns to heaven at your love.

  原句:When the earthquake occurs, the world gives a warm hand.

  点评修改:When the earthquake occurs on May 12th, causing nearly 30 thousand people of death and making most cities in ruins, the whole world offers a warm hand, extremely donation(是不是想说generous???) ,kind-hearted assist (是不是想说assistance???) and the strength which we cohere for Sichuan.

  修改参考:The earthquake on May 12th can shake the foundation of Sichuan’s tallest buildings, leaving 70000 lives killed and several cities destroyed, but it cannot touch the foundation of the whole world where a warm hand is always there, the entire planet where we are always connected as one, and the global village where all is for one and one is for all.


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