

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月06日 16:19   沪江英语


  A Teenager

  T:Teengers are the future of our country , and I happen to meet one who left me the most unforgetble memory. He is my roommate when I was at school, named Ken. I can not say he is that kind of person who can attracts me at the very first sight by the appearance , but his optimistic attitude towards life and the common ground we share do matter.

  S1:Actually he is the one who very patient and considerate to his friends and studying..

  S2:We share a lot in common. We both like playing basketball, for YaoMing and Shark are our favorite idol. Every game they play must be our cup of tea.

  S3:Sometimes we like going to concert to listen to the music. How comfortable and relaxed the life would be if I am with him.

  S4:Ken is not only a good friend of mine but also a hardworking person. He makes everything done well ,such as planting flowers, laundering clothes, and cleaning in order to let us live in a most wonderful, cozy place on earth.

  E:What impresses me most is that he likes encouraging people like me who feel discouraged when facing troubles. Her word “tomorrow is another day” always lingering in my mind and burying in my heart.

  E: In my mind ,he is the perfect teenager that I have ever seen in my life.We spend a lot of happy moment together . Even though now we are apart for the time being , our hearts and soul are still tightly connectly. Thank you.(新航道吴慧冬)

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