

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月12日 10:46   昂立英语

  Part V:听力与口语训练


  Man: My goodness! The service in this restaurant is really terrible. A lot worse than before.

  Woman: Right. It’s high time they got rid of half the staff here if you ask me.


  Woman: Are you going to join the chess club this year?

  Man: Chess eats up too much of my time.


  Woman: It’s no use, Tom. The people next door to us are making so much noinse. I can’t read this book.

  Man: Why didn’t you stay at the library, Ann? It’s much quieter there.


  Woman: Professor Smith, when can we meet to discuss my paper?

  Man: Would four o’clock be all right?


  Woman: Shouldn’t someone pick up the clothes from the cleaner’s?

  Man: Don’t look at me!


  Woman: Janet insists she’s coming to my graduation.

  Man: But she has to work that week, doesn’t she?


  Man: I’d like to get my sister a nice practical gift for her birthday.

  Woman: Well, how does a hairdryer sound?


  Man: Do you have any idea what the passage is about?

  Woman: I’m as much in the dark as you are.


  My goodness 惊叹时的用语)我的天哪;It’s high time…该是。。。的时候了(注意后面从句中的谓语动词用过去时);staff n.人员;chess club 象棋俱乐部;eat up time(动词短语)占用时间;pick up the clothes去取衣服;the cleaner’s 洗衣店;insist v.坚持;graduation n.毕业,毕业典礼;practical adj.实用的;hairdryer (n.)头发吹风机;be in the dark对。。。浑然不知

  Part VI:快速阅读


  I have a picture that sits on my desk in my bedroom. When I have trouble studying, or I’m worried about(担心) an exam, I just take a look at(看一眼) it. It is a picture of my best friends taken(拍摄) years ago when we were in high school. It reminds(提醒) me of the good time we’ve shared(分享) and the support(支持) their friendship still gives me today. Even though our lives have gone in different directions(朝着不同的方向发展), the bond(密切关系) we created(营造) has kept us close(使我们保持亲密). Every week I get a message(信息) on my mobile phone(手机) from one of them, or a letter in the mail(邮件) with the latest news or vacation photos(度假的照片). I often get e-mails with a joke(笑话) for the day, or words of comfort(安慰) about some problems in my life. My friends have shown up(出现,露面) for surprise birthday parties(令我惊喜的生日晚会) and one of them even traveled two hours from the other end of town just to watch my first English speech contest(英语演讲赛). Our friendship has carried(携带) me through a lot of difficult experiences and has enriched(丰富) the good ones. It is the kind of friendship that outlasts(超越,比。。。更具生命力的) disagreements(意见不一致), changes(变化), and separation(分离).

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