

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月14日 10:01   新东方


  a. I very much like football. b. I like football very much.


  a. He spoke so well that I was amazed . b. I was amazed by how well he spoke.

  a. Seeing those victims is disturbing. b. It’s disturbing to see those victims.


  a. I hope I can make it. b. Hopefully I can make it.

  a. I feel it is not right somehow . b. Somehow it doesn’t feel right.


  a. I’m happy. b. I’m perfectly happy.

  a. The test is very difficult. b. The test is unusually difficult.

  a. That’s wrong. b. That’s utterly wrong.

  a. I must support myself financially. b. I must be financially independent.

  a. It has not been proven by science. b. It’s not scientifically proven.

  a. It’s not allowed by law. b. It’s not legally allowed.


  a. Solutions to these problems can be found. b. These problems can be solved.

  a. I need to improve my English level. b. I need to improve my English.

  a. We should promote the cause of peaceful reunification .

  b. We should promote peaceful reunification.

  a. I believe the hardships are temporary in nature.

  b. I believe the hardships are temporary.

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