

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月15日 09:48   沪江英语


  A place where you can listen to music

  一旦遇到这个考题,大部分同学都会说Home , club, concert ,尽量与别的考生区别开来,想想还有什么地方可以听,今天我们来讲下:学校的HALL

  T: Music is my cup of tea(喜欢做什么,同学说少说Like, love ,cup of tea是非常地道的口语表达,意思是something you do enjoy most), and going to my school’s music hall is my every night’s routine, where I left the unforgettablememory.(开头直接说明这个地点对你有什么样的影响,感觉如何,一到两句话完成,红色字体是同学们要做的笔记,通过这个名词回想整句话的大概)

  S:Well(少用First ,second ,last ,这些词来开头,太常见了,口语不常用),my school’s music hall is older than I even, which was built in 1960s with a classicalGothic style.

  Also, she(如果对一样东西,物品,地点很喜欢的话,在五大原则中少用it,用She, her,这是更加完美的表达,对于有感情的东西外国人都喜欢用女性的“她”) is lying on the westwarddoor at my school, opposite to the downtown,appealing to numberous local residents and students to go to(考地点题的时候,如果同学们想说座落在哪,一般同学们都说在某地方的中心,最好变化下).

  Actually , the music performance there make it the most fantastic place for everyone of us to enjoy.

  E: I still remember the very first time when I went in there, really took my breath away. The inside of the music hall is very fantastic where provides violins, pianos and guitars for students to play and enjoy the intimacyand harmony of mucis. Also, every night , there are many school bands to perform. the Soft ,Rock,Classical and Pop music. The bands are always the students from the school of Fine Arts and humanitarians (你所在这个地点所看到的,所感受到的)

  In my spare time ,I love going to this music hall to listen to music, for this is a music place full of romance, comfort, love and relax.(讲下自己对于这个主题的行动和升华)


  1960s and Gothic


  I-----Musical instrments-----Music-----Students



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