

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月18日 18:10   昂立英语

  PartV: 听力与口语训练


  Man: John must have been joking when he said he was going to live in Boston.

  Woman: Don’t be so sure. He told me that he was looking for an agent to sell his house.


  Man: What’s wrong with you new electric cooker? Let me see if I can fix it.

  Woman: Oh, I had the shop replace it with a new one this morning.


  Woman: I lived with my sister this summer and didn’t have to pay rent, so I was able to save most of my salary.

  Man: Not me. The more I earned, the more I spent.


  Woman: When was the last time you dusted this apartment?

  Man: When was the last time my mother came over?


  Woman: Should we ask Paul to pick up our clothes at the dry cleaner’s?

  Man: Why not! It’s right on his way home.


  Woman: Are you sure you’ve corrected all the typing errors in this paper?

  Man: Perhaps I’d better read it through again.


  Man: Should I buy this new novel for Linda for her birthday?

  Woman: She already has it.


  Man: I have an appointment to see Doctor Gram for a physical test.

  Woman: Please have a seat. He is doing an operation right now.


  joking adj.开玩笑的;Boston 波士顿;agent n.房产中介;electric cooker 电饭锅;fix (vt.)修理;replace vt.更换;rent n.房租;salary n.薪水;earn vt.挣(钱);dust vt.打扫;the dry cleaner’s衣服干洗店;typing errors 打字错误;read through (动词短语)通读;a physical test 体检;operation n.手术

  Part VI:快速阅读

  American Eating Habits(饮食习惯)

  Eating habits in America really get a lot of criticism(批评), but the truth is(真实的情况是), it matters(要紧的) much where you look in America. In big cities, people are becoming more health-conscious(注重健康的) every day. This is shown(表现出) by what foods they choose(选择) to buy in supermarkets(超市) and what restaurants they eat in. There is now a big push(高涨的热情) for “green” foods that are grown naturally(自然地). In cities like New York and Chicago, restaurants offer(提供) new and healthy(健康的) styles(风格,式样) to stay ahead(保持领先) of the competition(竞争,角逐). However, these habits contrast with(与。。。形成反差) those in America’s heartland(腹地,内陆地区). Here, people tend to(往往) eat more traditional(传统的) and higher fat(脂肪)foods, such as breakfasts of eggs, bacon(熏猪肉), sausages(香肠), toast(土司:面包的一种) and other greasy(油腻的) but delicious(味美的)foods. Fast food chain restaurants(快餐连锁店)such as McDanald’s and the Olive Garden(橄榄花园), which serve(供应,提供) cheaper food, draw(吸引) a lot of customers(顾客) and are popular(受欢迎) in most places.

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