

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月19日 14:32   昂立英语

  Part V:听力与口语训练


  Man: The snow is really coming down, isn’t it?

  Woman: Rarely do we get som much snow in December.


  Man: Do you think Professor Smith will cancel class because of the special conference?

  Woman: Not likely.


  Woman: Randy, how are you finding life on campus this year?

  Man: Much the same as last.


  Woman: All of your classmates seem so enthusiastic about running in the race.

  Man: But in the end, only three of them actually took part.


  Woman: I ought to call Joan and tell her about the meeting this afternoon.

  Man: Why bother? You’ll see her at lunch.


  Man: Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?

  Woman: That’s the last thing in the world I’d ever want to do.


  Woman: Do you know that Mark turned down the job offer from a travel agency?

  Man: Yes, the hours were convenient, but he won’t be able to make ends meet.


  Man: Are you sure you can remember the name of the film you saw last week?

  Woman: It’s just on the tip of my tongue.


  come down(动词短语)下来;rarely adv.极少,少见;cancel vt.取消;conference n.会议;likely adj.可能的;be enthusiastic about 对。。。充满热情的;race (n.)赛跑,赛车;bother v.费麻烦;mountain climbing 爬山;the last thing in the world I’d ever want to do最不想做的事情;turn down (动词短语)拒绝;job offer 工作机会;travel agency 旅行社;convenient adj.方便的;make ends meet(动词短语)维持生计;on the tip of one’s tongue (某件事情或某人的名字)就在嘴边却想不起来

  Part VI:快速阅读

  Foods in the World

  Food is national(国家化的) and international(国际化的). Many people like their own national dishes(饭菜)and a variety of(品种多样的)foreign ones. You can find European(欧洲的) and Oriental(东方的)restaurants in most large cities. You can find Italian, French, Chinese, and Mexican restaurants in New York, Washington, San Francisco, and many other cities in the United States. As well(同时), you might also find Greek(希腊的) and Middle Eastern(中东地区的) restaurants in some cities in the US. Amercian hamburgers and hot dogs(热狗)are popular in Tokyo(东京) and Paris. In almost every country, you will find rice, potatoes, eggs, bread, soup, meat, vegetables, milk, fruit, and other basic(基本的)foods. People just cook(烹饪)them differently in different countries. People all over the world also prefer(喜欢)different things to drink. The English drink a lot of tea and the French a lot of wine. Americans prefer coffee, milk or pop(可乐). German beer is now completely(完全地)international. Children are often very conservative about(对。。。保守的)new foods. In the United States, they often prefer to eat the same three or four favorite(最喜欢的)dishes: hamburgers and French fries(炸薯条), hot dogs, fried chicken(炸鸡), and ice cream.

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