

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月22日 13:40   沪江英语

   A good law in China




  and explain its influences

  Part 3

  How do people in your country feel about the police?

  Which job would most people prefer - to be a policeman/woman or a lawyer? (Why?)

  What do you think is the importance of having a system of laws?

  How successful do you think the laws are in your country? (successful in achieving the aim of the laws)

  Some interesting news




  and explain how (or why) this story was interesting to you.

  Part 3

  Do people in China like reading the newspaper (= newspapers)?

  Do people in China prefer to read about local news, national news or international news?

  Do many people get their news from the internet?

  How are modern news media and the old forms of news media different? (Comparethem)

  Would you say the quality of news reporting is the same on TV, in newspapers and on the internet? (Compare them)

  How do you think the future will develop - do you think people will more and more use the internet for getting their news or will they continue to read newspapers? (Compare them)

  How do you think a newspaper could increase its readership?

  What personal qualities (and skills) do you think a journalist needs to have?

  How do you think journalist (or, reporters) can (or do) influence people?

   A gift you gave to another person

  what the gift was

  who you gave it to

  why you chose this particular gift

  and explain whether this person liked this present or not.

  Part 3

  On what occasions do people give gifts to others?

  When (at what times of the year) do children receive presents in China?

  What kinds of gifts do children in China usually get?

  Do you think toys have any educational value?

  A tourist attraction

  Describe a tourist site that you recently visited.

  where you went

  what you did there

  who you went with and explain what was special about this place.

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