

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月22日 13:40   沪江英语

  a film you watched recently

  Describe an interesting film you saw recently.

  You should say:

  when & where you saw it

  what type of film it was

  what the film was about (= what the contents of the film were)

  and explain why you think it was interesting.

  Part 3



  What are some of the benefits from watching foreign films?

  Do you think (watching) films have (has) any educational benefits?

  Are people attracted (or influenced) by advertisements (or previews) for new films?

  What are the differences between documentaryfilms and films purely for entertainment?

  a magazine you like to read

  Describe an interesting magazine.

  You should say:

  What magazine it is

  what information it contains

  who you think reads this magazine

  and explain why you think this magazine is interesting.

  Part 3


  What are the main differences between news magazines and newspapers?

  Some people say we can't believe everything we read in newspapers and news magazines. What do you think?

  What do people in China prefer to read, magazines or newspapers?

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