

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月25日 10:15   昂立英语

  Part V:听力与口语训练


  Man: Leaving the party so soon? We’re just getting ready to cut the cake.

  Woman: Sorry, I can’t stick around any longer.


  Woman: We should spend this weekend at the beach.

  Man: How about the whole week?


  Man: Paul says he doesn’t like television.

  Woman: Yes, but he seems to spend a lot of time watching it, doesn’t he?


  Man: Lisa, how are you getting along with your term paper?

  Woman: I’ve been writing and rewriting it. I simply don’t know if I will ever get it finished.


  Woman: I hear you got lost on your way to the meeting at the hotel.

  Man: I don’t know how I did it. I have been there a million times!


  Man: Can you see the lake today?

  Woman: You could if this fog would only clear.


  Woman: I honestly don’t want to paint the room this weekend, Joe.

  Man: Neither do I.


  Woman: Didn’t Maria go shopping with you yesterday?

  Man: Even if she hadn’t had a lot of studying, she would have preferred staying home to going shopping.


  stick around(动词短语)逗留,晃荡;rewrite vt.重写;get sth. finished完成;get lost(动词短语)迷路;fog n.雾;clear v.放晴;honestly adv.诚实地

  Part VI:快速阅读


  If you’re a young lady in your twenties(二十几岁), you may be either on a diet(节食)or wondering(想着)which diet to follow(遵循). Indeed, people are so concerned with(担心,关注) their appearance(外表)that the word “diet” has lost its original(原来的)meaning. It now has the same meaning as “weight loss diet”. There was a time when women bound(束)their waists(腰)to have a nice figure(体形). Then came Twiggy(细枝), a British supermodel(超级名模)most famous in the 1960s, and since then, everyone has wanted to look like a twig(细枝). Because of this trend(趋势), many diets have become popular. It is not uncommon(不普遍)to meet young girls who look weak enough to be blown away(吹走)in the wind, yet they are still talking about diets! However, extreme(极端的)diets can lead to health problems. Many such dieters(节食者)may end up with(最终患上)very serious eating disorders(错乱). Princess(王妃)Diana suffered from(蒙受) an excessively(过度的)strong appetite(胃口); Karen Carpenter, a popular singer(流行歌星)of the 1970s, died of the loss of appetite. You should know that looking good is important, but not when it comes at the risk of(冒。。。险) your health and life. Better eating habits and proper(适当的) exercise are all you need to be fit(健康) and look good.

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