

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月25日 11:41   沪江英语

  Chinese Students will be involved during the Olympics Closing Ceremony and this finaledeserves to be praised B/c the show will be Directed by Zhang Yimou who also directed the opening ceremony. Celebrities are expected, like Michael Phelps, David Beckham and a performanceby singer Leona Lewis with Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page. Well, we hope there will be no bogus this time!


  Olympic closing ceremony to feature 7,000 people

  Olympic closing ceremonies usually offer less of a spectaclethan opening nights, and the Beijing finale will have less than half the participants — but that's still about 7,000 people.

  NBC Sports executive David Neal said Thursday he traveled 90 minutes west of Beijing to see a rehearsal of the ceremony conducted in secret on a college campus. Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou, who directed the opening ceremony, does the same for the Sunday's finale, set to air via tape delay at 7 p.m. EDT on NBC.



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