

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月25日 15:12   无忧雅思网

  roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式

  rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer's field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排

  rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式

  rose - a beautiful flower that grows on a thorny stem 玫瑰

  wring - twist 绞,扭

  ring - noise a bell makes 敲钟,打电话

  scent - smell 气味

  sent - past tense of send 邮寄的过去式

  see - to view something

  sea - large body of salt water

  threw - past tense of throw

  through - finished or completed, also, to give direction (Go through the tunnel)

  tail - cats and dogs have them 尾巴

  tale - a story 故事



  week - 7 days

  weak - not strong

  worn - well used 用旧的,疲倦的

  warn - to give notice of potential danger 警告

  wood - what we get from trees

  would - past tense of will

  wore - past tense of wear 穿的过去式

  war - what we call it when two countries' armies are fighting

  one - a single unit

  won - past tense of win


  Yule- 圣诞季节


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