

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月01日 17:23   无忧雅思网


  解决: solve resolve deal with cope with handle tackle

  消除: get rid of eradicate eliminate

  依赖: rely on depend on count on

  十分:very much immensely hugely largely greatly enormously tremendously

  损害: damage hurt injure harm impair

  给与:give offer render impart provide

  发展:develop cultivate foster

  优势:advantage merit virtue benefit upside strength

  缺陷:disadvantage detect demerit drawback downside weakness

  使迷惑:puzzle bewilder perplex baffle

  关键的:key crucial critical

  保护(资源)conserve preserve

  改变:change alter modify convert into

  声称:allege assert declare claim

  否认:deny negate

  评价:appraise assess evaluate estimate

  归功于: attribute ascribe credit impute

  确保:assure ensure guarantee pledge

  表达:express voice utter pronounce

  丰富的:abundant copious profuse ample

  有害的: baneful evil harmful

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