

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月11日 15:30   新浪教育

  窍门四:熟用下列表达方式 Good morning. Good afternoon. I’m very well. Thank you. And you? Pleased to meet you. I beg your pardon. What exactly would you like to know? Perhaps I can begin by telling you about… Recently, I’ve been studying at … Recently, I’ve been working at … I’ve been studying English for (1 year)... The reason I’m taking the test is because … Would you like to know about …? Before that I studied at … Before that I worded at … At the moment I’m studying at … At the moment I’m working at … Have I answered your question? Is there anything else you wish to know? 以上句型虽然简单,但一定要滚瓜烂熟。考官一问,你马上能不假思索地脱口而出。有些考生有这样的经验:明明平时运用娴熟的句型,等到考试时由于紧张,一下就忘了,把最简单的“I am from Guangzhou.”说成“I am come from Guangzhou。”

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