

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月01日 11:09   沪江英语

  北语 409

  15.20 A young lady veryveryvery B-E-A-utiful!!! especially her eyes! Always smiling.Nevertheless, some people say that "smiling tiger" will give a low mark.......

  Part One

  1.Full name & What can I call you

  2.Study or work

  2.1 major

  2.2 do you like your major & why

  3. Birthday

  3.1 On birthday what do people often do ?

  3.2 Last birthday what did you do?

  3.3 Anything special should people do on birthday?

  Part Two

  Cue card

  A book you recently read

  what it is about

  when and where you read it

  why you read it

  and explain why you like or dislike it

  Part Three

  What kind of book is popular among children?

  Should parents introduce books to children?

  Who do you think should teach children how to read, parents or teachers?

  Has high technology changed the people's reading habits?

  Would book change its role in society in the future?

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